Aquatic fitness, learn to swim & swim stroke analysis

Swimming Services

Our swimming services team is led by Penny Porter who, as well as being a chartered physiotherapist and a sports scientist, is a former international swimmer and British record holder.

Aquatic fitness, learn to swim & swim stroke analysis

Our endless pool in Henbury, Bristol, is equiped with a state of the art swim laboratory incorporating above and below the water cameras and we also have access to the pool at the David lloyd club in Greystoke Avenue

Please select one of the tabs above for further details of how we can improve your swimming

Swim technique

Swim Analysis

You will be amazed at the level of improvement, after just 1 session!

State of the art Endless pool, with 2 endless currents, meaning that you can either swim by yourself or with a friend

Penny swimming

Swim Training

Swim training in an Endless Pool is like swimming in open water – no turns, no shared lanes, no stopping. By eliminating turns you get a better understanding of your true open water endurance.
Swimming fun

Learn to Swim

Whether you’re a beginner, a returner or a more advanced swimmer looking to improve, we will be able to help you to achieve your goals.
Triathlon swimming

Triathletes Swim Training

Swim training in an Endless Pool is like swimming in open water – no turns, no shared lanes, no stopping. By eliminating turns you get a better understanding of your true open water endurance.
Parent baby swim

Baby & Toddler Swimming

With our warm water pool, and our rehab gymnasium, we are able to offer a number of different services aimed at mums to be, parents, children and babies

Get in Touch

0117 330 2448


Open Hours

Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
Tuesday’s late night until 10pm

Saturday 9am – 3pm
Sunday Closed

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